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Konfigurasi Proxy Server Fedora 11 Dan 12


  • Definition of Proxy Server
Proxies can be understood as a third party who stands in the middle between the two parties that are interconnected and function as an intermediary, such that the first party and second party is not directly related, but each one associated with the intermediary, ie a proxy.
Proxy in a sense as an intermediary, working in different types of network communication protocols and can be at different levels in the hierarchy of the network communication protocol layer. An intermediary can only work on the Data-Link layer, Network layer and Transport, as well as application layer in the hierarchy according to the OSI layer of network communication. But the notion is largely a proxy server to appoint a proxy server that works as an application layer, although it will also be discussed about the proxy at the circuit level.
In my own proxy server (proxy servers) is a computer server or computer agenda that can act as the other computers to make requests to the content from the Internet or intranet.
Proxy Server acts as a gateway to the Internet world for each client computer. Proxy servers are not visible to the client computer: a user who interacts with the Internet through a proxy server will not know that a proxy server is handling requests are done. Web server that receives requests from the proxy server will interpret these requests as if the request came directly from the client computer, instead of the proxy server.
Proxy servers can also be used to secure private network that is connected to a public network (such as the Internet). Proxy servers have more functions than a router that features packet filtering because the proxy server is operating at a higher level and have a more thorough control of network access. Proxy server that functions as a "security agent" for a private network, commonly known as a firewall.
Proxy servers can be used for various purposes, among others:

-To hide a specific server from the public for security
-To speed up access to resources needed
-To open blocked sites in places such as schools, offices, and so on.
-To pass the security control / parental
-To protect your identity when you are online

  • Open the first terminal
[aldye@aldye ]$ su
[root@aldye aldye]#
             Then we will seek packgae squid, it will definitely come out a lot of files that are named squid
If you do not have squid packgae please install it first by typing the following (If connected to the internet)
[root@aldye aldye]# yum install squid
       If not connected to the internet enough you find a file called squid- mbah look in google, after you install mendaptakan packagenya ago

[root@aldye aldye]# rpm -ivh  squid-

  •  After installing the package we edit some files from the package are
[root@aldye aldye]#  cd /etc/squid
[root@aldye squid]# ls
 cachemgr.conf   errorpage.css.default  mime.conf.default   squid.conf.default
cachemgr.conf.default     msntauth.conf  errorpage.css          mime.conf msntauth.conf.default  squid.conf    
[root@aldye squid]#gedit squid.conf

  •  Then the input typed below
http_port 8080
icp_port 0
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256
cache_mem 8 MB
cache_log /var/log/squid/chache.log
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.log
cache_mgr admin@ilmuurang.co.cc
acl situs dstdomain "/etc/squid/domain.txt"
acl ip dst "/etc/squid/ip.txt"
#deny_info PESAN_ERROR ip
acl terlarang url_regex -i "/etc/squid/terlarang.txt"
#deny_info PESAN_ERROR terlarang
http_access deny situs
http_access deny ip
http_access deny terlarang
visible_hostname aldye
acl all src
#acl working_time timw M T W H F 9:00-17:00
#acl opensite dstdomain ckb.co.cc
#http_access allow opensite
#http_access deny all working_time
#http_access allow all
#acl blok_file urlpath_regex "/etc/squid/blokfile.txt"
#http_access deny blok_file
#http_access allow all
cache_effective_group squid
cache_effective_user squid
       Then save.
  •  Tip: Create a file terlarang.txt

[root@aldye aldye]#gedit terlarang.txt
            Enter the words containing free with sex as I pointed out
        Then save.
  • We create a file ip address site
[root@aldye aldye]#gedit ip.txt
           Put this typing
           Then save.
  • We create the site's domain file
[root@aldye aldye]#gedit domain.txt
            Put this typing
            Then save.

  • When finished making the whole file restart squid
[root@aldye aldye]#service squid restart
Stopping squid:                                            [FAILED]
Starting squid:                                              [  OK  ]
[root@aldye squid]#

  •  Open the mozilla browser follow these steps to edit > preferences> avanced> network> settings. Then check the manual configuration proxu fill HTTP proxy server with the ip address with port 8080 and then okay, and directly typing in the url http://www.sex.com, http://www.telanjang.com, http://www.xxx . com. And the result like this.



 Good luck......!!!
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