Based on the light novel, manga and anime, Sword Art Online Re Hollow Fragment captures the characters and storyline of the SAO universe – a series of virtual-reality worlds set in the near future. Players enter the VR worlds of SAO and discover that the creator of the game has locked the players inside these worlds. To escape these worlds, players must explore and defeat the enemies contained within. Continuing to fight is key inside the VR world – if you die in the fantasy world, your character will die in real life.
2. Download selective files (you can skip it if you don’t want) and move the .bin file into the game folder
3. Run setup.exe to install the game
4. Play & Enjoy
You can skip downloading of selective files you don’t need.
Here is the list of optional files:
• fg-optional-credits.bin (credits video)
• fg-optional-japanese-and-chinese.bin (Japanese & Chinese localization pack)
In example, if you want to launch the game with English UI/Subtitles/Voiceovers with credits video and japanese or chinese localization download “fg-optional-credits.bin” “fg-optional-japanese-and-chinese.bin” & main files.
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