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Dns Configuration Fedora 11 And 12

  •          understanding of DNS servers

                 DNS (Domain Name System) is a distribute database system used to search computer name (name resolution) in a network thatuses TCP / IP (Tranmision Control Protocol / Internet Protocol), DNS is likened to a phone book, More Clearly DNS IP AddressChange only become A name.

      Top-Level Domain

Nama Domain
Organisais Komersial
Institusi Pendidikan atau Universitas
Organisasi Non-Profit
Network ( Backbone internet )
Organinasi Pemerintahan Non Militer
Organisasi Pemerintahan Militer
No Telepon
Reverse DNS
Dua-Huruf Untuk Kode Neraga .Id (indonesia) , .sg ( singapura ) .au ( australia ).
Moreover Formerly Open Terminal application > system tools > terminal

[ root@ server aldye $ su
[ root@ server aldye #
         Here we will look for a typed in the named.conf file named.conf locate that terminal will be a lot of out-file file called named.conf that we are looking for is located in the directory / etc / named.conf we terbelih first copy files to a directory is which will be made ​​DNS servers use the following command.
[ root@ server aldye # cp /etc/named.conf /var/named/chroot/etc/
[ root@ server aldye # cd /var/named/chroot/etc
[ root@ etc aldye # ls
localtime pki named.conf
         That marked an oblique black we will Edit for DNS servers, perfom the Following command Is

[ root@ etc aldye # gedit named.conf
         Then will appear file like This * For The Use desktop typing gedit / vi  , for not Using Desktop Type nano.

// named.conf
// Provided by red hat bind package to configure the ISC BIND named(8) DNS
// server as a caching Only nameserver(as a localhost DNS resolver only).
// see/user/share/doc/bind*/sample/ for example named configuration files.
options {
      listen-on port-53 {; };
      listen-on-v6 port-53 { ::1; };
      directory   "/var/named";
      dump-file   "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
      statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
      memstatistics-files "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
      allow-query { localhost; };
      recursion yes;
      dnssec-enable yes;
      dnssec-validation yes;
      dnssec-lookaside . trust-anchor dlv.isc.org.;
controls {
      inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };

logging {
      channel default_debug {
            file "data/named.run";
            severity dynamic;

zone "." IN {
      type hint;
      file "named.ca"

zone "aldye.co.cc" IN {
      type master;
      file "db.skull.zone";

zone "10.10.200.in-addr.apra" IN{
      type master;
      file "db.skull.rev";

include "/etc/rndc.key";
include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
include     "/etc/named.dnssec.keys";
include     "/etc/pki/dnssec-keys/dlv/dlv.isc.org.conf";
           To post marked with black tilted Should You Change "aldye.co.cc" please replace the domain that you want.
"10.10.200" it is the Ip address Ip addresses are required toreverse such written like this.
            If you have edited in the Save This section only, we proceed to thenext file
we will create a new file is typed below.

[ root@ etc aldye # gedit db.skull.zone

$TTL  86400
$ORIGIN aldye25.co.cc
@     IN    SOA   ns.aldye25.co.cc.     admin.aldye25.co.cc. (
                                    200702109 ; Serial
                                    1H      ; Refresh
                                    15M     ; Retry
                                    1W      ; Expire
                                    1D )    ; Minimum
; name server
      IN    NS    ns.aldye25.co.cc
; Mail server for domain
      IN    MX 10   mail.aldye25.co.cc
; Public server
ns          IN    A
server            IN    A     CNAME NS
WWW         IN    A     CNAME NS
Ftp         IN    A     CNAME NS
Proxy       IN    A     CNAME NS
secure            IN    A     CNAME NS
             Ordinary black writing such a slanted change, If you are Save.
We proceed to the next file by typing
[ root@ etc aldye ]# gedit db.skull.rev

@     IN    SOA www.aldye25.co.cc admin.aldye25.co.cc. (
                        200702109 ; Serial
                        1H      ; Refresh
                        15M     ; Retry
                        1W      ; Expire
                        1D )    ; Minimum                  
IN    NS    www.aldye25.co.cc

1     IN    PTR   www.aldye25.co.cc.
2     IN    PTR   ws-01.aldye.net.
3     IN    PTR   ws-02.aldye.net.
4     IN    PTR   ws-03.aldye.net.

            If you've finished editing this file Save, we see changes in the directory / var / named / chroot / etc.

[ root@ etc aldye# ls
localtime named.conf      db.skull.zone      db.skull.rev
             Files in a directory increase to as above. Continuing again to the next setting you typed in the terminal.
[ root@ etc aldye # gedit /etc/hosts
             Add Black sloping typed written   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6                 www.aldye25.co.cc
              then Save.After typing this resource

[ root@ etc aldye # gedit /etc/sysconfig/network
              This script adds

               Save ..!!

The simpulan step restart the DNS server that had we made ​​it. by typing

[ root@ etc aldye # service named restart
Stopping named:                                           [  OK  ]
Starting named:                                             [  OK  ]

              If you want your DNS Client Displays system > administration > firewall gave mark On the DNS and Apply. And if you believe that your DNS Less has been made ​​with goodand true just typing ping www.domainanda.co.cc.

* GOOD TRY !!!

If You Want PDF format please send Email throughaldye4@gmail.com

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