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_Basic Commands Fedora_

        _Basic commands Fedora_

     This time I will discuss about the basic commands in Linux Fedora 11 and 12 (Continued from yesterday).
These basic commands similar to the DOS command, We live it:

·         man is the command to display the manual of a command. Quite easy to use way to stay typing in the terminal
       $ Man ls
       will be used to show how the use of the ls command is complete

·         adduser This command adduser to add users. Usually only performed by the root  user or an account to add a new one after this command can continue with the passwd
      # Adduser example
# Passwd example

     make sure all access is in the root (#)

·         cat paint Displays the contents of a file on the screen
      # Cat (filename)
# Cat / home / Aldye / example.doc

      open example.doc file from the folder / home / Aldye

·         cd stands for change directory or to move the directory, The use is similar to DOS.
      # Cd (Direktory_porpuse)
# Cd / home / Aldye

·         chgrp  command is used to change  groups such file or directory to give permission to the group or groups in order to Dapa access a file.
# Chgrp ( grup_new ) (file)
# Chgrp Aldye Example.doc

·         chmod command is used to add and subtract Permit users To access a file or folder. You can use numeric coding system. There are three types of permissions that can be changed is r for read, w for Write, and x for execute.
      For example to give permission to read (4), write (2), execution (1) file     example to the onwer
      $ Chmod 700 example

·         chwon It is used Unutk chown command to change the user ID (onwer) a file or direcroty
      $ Chwon (User) (filename)
 $ Chwon Admin example.doc

·         cp command is used to copy from folder 1 to folder 2 etc.
      # cp / home / Aldye / example.doc / home/Aldye2
      ( To move the folder just add just-rf )
     # cp-rp / home / Aldye / Documents / home/Aldye2

·         find to find a file, this command will search in accordance with what we are looking for a command that begins with the diretory name search, then the file name can use wildcard (*).
      in the current directory and display the result on the screen
     $ find. -Name *. doc-print
    sample results:
  . / Public / docs / account.doc
  . / Public / docs / balance.doc
  . / Public / docs / statistics / prospek.doc
  . / Public / docs / statistics / presconf.doc

·         grep command to find files containing text with the provisions of what you are looking for.
     $ grep (text) (file)
     for example, Will look for files That contains a marginal text in the current directory
     $ grep marginal *
    different.doc: marginal used in economics
     prob.rtf: the function of the marginal

·         gzip This is version GNU zip compression software, use to compress a file.
     # Gzip (filename)

·         halt This command can only halt road by super root. Command This is to tell the kernel to turn off the system or shutdown
      # Halt-p

·         hostname to display the host or domain name system and can also be used for the system host name
      [Aldye @ localhost ] # hostname

·    KILL     This command Will send a kill signal to a process That We set the goal is to type the process
      # Kill (Signal) (Pid)
# Kill 3452 -8
            PID is the process ID Number that will be stopped.
            To find out the ID of a process, use the command
            # Ps aux

·         less This command less to Mempaging page. Almost the same with paint, but page is displayed in stages, can be used to scroll page Up, Page Down or Up arrow and Down Arrow.
      # Less example.doc

·         Logout command is used to exit the system.
      Ctrl + D

·         ls command is the same as Those contained in the DOS directory That there were the resource persons that is showing two of use to see the directory was hidden and the existing
      # Cd / etc
# Ls / ls-al

·         mkdir command is used to create a new direkroty
      #Mkdir (new name_foler)
# Mkdir Master

·         mount command is used to mount the filesystem to a directory, only the super user who can perform this command to see what filesystems.
       # Mount / dev / cdrom / mnt / cdrom
      This command akam mount files from the cd-rom Khe in the folder / mnt / cdrom so it can be read and in access / to end the process of mouting use the command cd-rom
      # Umount / mnt / cdrom

·         mv stands for move to where the command is used to move one folder to another folder
      # mv (file_source) (file_purpose)
# mv / home / Aldye / example.txt / var / ftp / example.txt

·         passwd command is used to change the admin passwd, usually  requested a new password twice more try passwords of 7 characters
      # Passwd [enter]

·         rm command is used to delete a file.
     # Rm / home / Aldye / example.doc

·         rmdir to remove empty directories
     # rmdir / home

·         shutdown 
              command is used to shutdown the system, Such as the halt command, the system some you can stop the computer with the command
     # Shutdown -h now
·         su command is usually used first time we entered an area where "root"
      [Aldye @ localhost ] $ su
[Root @ localhost Aldye] #

·         tar command is used to store and extract, this file is often referred to as tar files
     # Tar (action) (option) (file)
     # Tar-xzvf meteora.tar.gz

·         rpm This command rpm to install a packet or program
       # Rpm-ivh iproute-2.6.29-2.fc11.i586.rpm
# Rpm-e iproute (this command to uninstall the packet iprouter)

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